Northampton National Spiritualist Church
89 St Michael's Road, Northampton, NN1 3JT
Site up-to-date: 12th September 2024 - Navigate by clicking on the MENU above.
The Church is affiliated to the Spiritualists' National Union, which is the recognized representative of the Spiritualist Religion in the UK. Our Charity Commission Registration No. 1189602.
Please browse our web site to learn about us and check the calendar for events that may interest you. We welcome people from all backgrounds, religious or otherwise. No pressure would be placed on you to become a Church Member as this implies acceptance of the Seven Principles and a change of, or adoption of, Spiritualism as ones religion. This should be a process of careful evaluation of the philosophy and teachings. We pride ourselves in being a friendly, welcoming place to visit and to discover the truths that Spiritualists hold to be proven to them. Only you can decide if they can be truths to you.
The Church is affiliated to the Spiritualists' National Union, which is the recognized representative of the Spiritualist Religion in the UK. Our Charity Commission Registration No. 1189602.
Please browse our web site to learn about us and check the calendar for events that may interest you. We welcome people from all backgrounds, religious or otherwise. No pressure would be placed on you to become a Church Member as this implies acceptance of the Seven Principles and a change of, or adoption of, Spiritualism as ones religion. This should be a process of careful evaluation of the philosophy and teachings. We pride ourselves in being a friendly, welcoming place to visit and to discover the truths that Spiritualists hold to be proven to them. Only you can decide if they can be truths to you.
SUNDAYS Divine Service at 6pm to 7.15pm: A visiting speaker/medium is invited to give the service which includes Opening Prayer and Prayer for Healing, Hymns, an Address on Spiritualist Philosophy and a Demonstration of Mediumship.
FIRST MONDAY of the MONTH - 7.30pm to 9.30pm:
Beginners Circle led by Roy Candy DSNU, helps those who attend to understand their own psychic nature and abilities, and begin to prepare to enhance those senses and blend with their Guides in the Spirit World. There is a charge of £5.
THIRD MONDAY of the MONTH - 7.30pm to 9.30pm: Open Circle led by Linda Waters, encourages the development of a stronger awareness of the Spirit world, exploring and understanding Clairaudience - clear hearing, Clairvoyance - clear seeing and Clairsentience – clear feeling which will further develop your psychic and mediumistic abilities in order to gain greater confidence in their practice. There is a charge of £5.
TUESDAYS at 7.30pm: Spiritual Healing
This is offered to anyone who feels they need help with physical, emotional or spiritual problems or just to find a peaceful place to spend time. Accredited Spiritual Healing Mediums and supervised Trainees are present to facilitate the healing.
Freewill donations invited. (Click here for information about Spiritual Healing)
2nd WEDNESDAY of the month at 7.30pm : A Demonstration of Mediumship by a visiting medium who after an opening prayer will make links with the Spirit World and convey information to recipients in the gathering. The purpose is to provide evidence of the Continuous Existence of the Human Soul (our 4th Principle). There is a charge of £5 at the door.
SATURDAY at 7.30pm: (The last Saturday of the month)
A Demonstration of Mediumship by a visiting medium who after an opening prayer will make links with the Spirit World and convey information to recipients in the gathering. The purpose is to provide evidence of the Continuous Existence of the Human Soul (our 4th Principle.) There is a charge of £5 at the door.
SATURDAYS From time to time special events are provided such as Day Workshops from 10.30am to 4.30pm, usually related to development of mediumistic abilities, and occasionally a number of private sittings with a medium. These are advertised on the Calendar.
The Church has been affiliated to the Spiritualists' National Union since 1917 and has been in the present premises since 1965. The building was originally obtained by Spiritualists in 1902/3 and converted by them, but was later in use by the Mormons who sold it to us. National Spiritualism is accepted by HM Government as the registered religion of Spiritualism in the UK. National Spiritualism is based on the philosophy of The Seven Principles which may be seen on that page on the MENU which gives explanation.
SUNDAYS Divine Service at 6pm to 7.15pm: A visiting speaker/medium is invited to give the service which includes Opening Prayer and Prayer for Healing, Hymns, an Address on Spiritualist Philosophy and a Demonstration of Mediumship.
FIRST MONDAY of the MONTH - 7.30pm to 9.30pm:
Beginners Circle led by Roy Candy DSNU, helps those who attend to understand their own psychic nature and abilities, and begin to prepare to enhance those senses and blend with their Guides in the Spirit World. There is a charge of £5.
THIRD MONDAY of the MONTH - 7.30pm to 9.30pm: Open Circle led by Linda Waters, encourages the development of a stronger awareness of the Spirit world, exploring and understanding Clairaudience - clear hearing, Clairvoyance - clear seeing and Clairsentience – clear feeling which will further develop your psychic and mediumistic abilities in order to gain greater confidence in their practice. There is a charge of £5.
TUESDAYS at 7.30pm: Spiritual Healing
This is offered to anyone who feels they need help with physical, emotional or spiritual problems or just to find a peaceful place to spend time. Accredited Spiritual Healing Mediums and supervised Trainees are present to facilitate the healing.
Freewill donations invited. (Click here for information about Spiritual Healing)
2nd WEDNESDAY of the month at 7.30pm : A Demonstration of Mediumship by a visiting medium who after an opening prayer will make links with the Spirit World and convey information to recipients in the gathering. The purpose is to provide evidence of the Continuous Existence of the Human Soul (our 4th Principle). There is a charge of £5 at the door.
SATURDAY at 7.30pm: (The last Saturday of the month)
A Demonstration of Mediumship by a visiting medium who after an opening prayer will make links with the Spirit World and convey information to recipients in the gathering. The purpose is to provide evidence of the Continuous Existence of the Human Soul (our 4th Principle.) There is a charge of £5 at the door.
SATURDAYS From time to time special events are provided such as Day Workshops from 10.30am to 4.30pm, usually related to development of mediumistic abilities, and occasionally a number of private sittings with a medium. These are advertised on the Calendar.
The Church has been affiliated to the Spiritualists' National Union since 1917 and has been in the present premises since 1965. The building was originally obtained by Spiritualists in 1902/3 and converted by them, but was later in use by the Mormons who sold it to us. National Spiritualism is accepted by HM Government as the registered religion of Spiritualism in the UK. National Spiritualism is based on the philosophy of The Seven Principles which may be seen on that page on the MENU which gives explanation.