The Tuesday Spiritual Healing Service
Spiritual healing is the working of the Power of Love within the pattern of natural law. These laws emanate from God, therefore spiritual healing is a divine act which follows the setting in motion of law-governed forces within the divine plan.
Spiritual healing is not new - it is age old. Every civilization in the world from the most primitive to the most highly sophisticated has, at some point in its evolution, become conscious of the natural healing potential which surrounds, not only man, but every expression of the Life Force. Being at one with the Life Force, the Healing Intelligence recognizes none of the artificial barriers of race, colour or creed which man himself has erected. Nor can the gift of being a spiritual healing channel be regarded as being the prerogative of any one religion or group of people.
To some, spiritual healing is synonymous with “Faith healing”. This has no real basis, and if we were to accept that “Faith” is the only yardstick by which the success of spiritual healing can be measured we should, in effect, be saying of many people, “You are not worthy to be healed”.
Faith alone is no criteria for the success or failure of spiritual healing. One can appreciate this when, through the intercession of absent (or distant) healing, aid is sought for someone who is completely unaware of the nature of the help they are receiving; for example, spiritual healing administered to young children, to the mentally sick, as well as members of the animal kingdom. In none of these examples can the recipient of spiritual healing be said to possess “Faith”, and yet the fact remains that they can, and do, respond to the healing energies.
Many seek spiritual healing as a last resort, having been told by their doctors that medical science can do no more for them. The fact that so many so-called ‘incurables’ respond to spiritual healing, to a degree not considered possible by man, points clearly to the existence of a power which is needed to bring about an improvement.
The fact that spiritual healing works in a perfectly methodical and reasoned way is indisputable. Even a brief examination of case histories would show not a string of disjointed and apparently haphazard events, but a carefully planned and logical pattern. Not the same pattern in every case, but one which has clearly been tailor-made to suit the specific needs of the individual concerned. This fact provides us with yet one more item of conclusive evidence pointing unmistakably, not only to the efficacy of spiritual healing, but to the existence of healing energies within what we call the God Force.
Some Questions Answered:
What is a Spiritual Healing Medium?
A spiritual healing medium is an instrument through which spiritual healing energies are channelled to the patient. Whilst the healing medium can intercede and request healing, he cannot determine the manner in which the healing energies will work nor, indeed, the way in which the patient will react to spiritual healing.
Have I anything to fear from Spiritual healing?
Most people, when they ask this question really mean ‘will it hurt?’ At no time does the application of healing cause pain or discomfort. There is nothing to fear from healing. Many patients when they first visit a healer are a little apprehensive. The complete naturalness of healing quickly dispels any fears or doubts the patients may formerly have had. Soon, even the most tense person becomes fully relaxed and at ease, imbued with a sense of well-being, as the healing energies seek to bring about spiritual, mental, emotional and physical easement.
Should I stop attending my doctor when receiving healing?
No. This would be unwise, it may be necessary for you to receive medication for your particular condition. By receiving both medical treatment and spiritual healing you receive the best from both worlds. The responsibilities of whether the patient should stop attending his doctor must lie with the patient, not the spiritual healing medium. The ultimate goal of every spiritual healing medium is to be able to work in co-operation with the medical profession. No healing medium seeks to usurp the place of the doctor in our society.
Can the patient help in the healing process in any way?
Yes, mainly by thinking positively. Thought is a very potent force in human life, and we can go a long way towards aiding the healing energies by positive and creative thinking. This does much to restore and maintain the harmonious conditions which are at all times vital to health. Some people state that they cannot relax but after receiving spiritual healing find this is possible.
Good health is a combination of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical harmony. Do not blame the healing medium if you are not improving after your first visit. Consider the length of time you have suffered before coming for healing. Remember that the healing medium will do all they can to help you, but that transmission of energies from the Healing Intelligence can only work within the limits of natural laws.
Can the healing medium guarantee a cure?
No one can guarantee a cure for any disease of condition, be it healer, doctor, or a witch-doctor. However, improvement has been known in thousands of cases where general medicine has failed, or where spiritual healing and general medicine have worked side by side.
Is it necessary to visit a healing medium more than once?
Many alleged failures occur because a patient visits a healing medium once or twice and then for no apparent reason breaks the contact. The healing process often requires a period of time to achieve the maximum effect. It is advisable to maintain regular visits, but where this is not possible ask for your name to be added to the ‘absent healing’ list.
How is healing able to achieve results which are often beyond the scope of medicine?
Man is, first and foremost, a spirit with a body, and not a body with a spirit. His true and natural affinity is not with the material environment in which he dwells for a number of years, but with the Source of Life itself. The purpose of healing is to bring about the spiritual regeneration of man and to restore a state of harmony between the essential facets of his highly complex nature. Without such harmony we cannot be healthy. Spiritual healing seeks to remedy the CAUSE of the disease, not just the symptoms.
Is healing only effective in the case of ailments which are of a nervous or mental character?
No, although a percentage of those who seek healing are suffering from a condition which could be psychosomatic in origin - but then the same is true of the patients who visit a doctor’s consulting room.
If healing comes to us from God, why does it sometimes seem to take so long to work?
We have, first of all, to appreciate that there are no ‘miracles’, either of healing or of anything else - merely the manifestation of natural law as yet unknown to us - and although there are many spontaneous recoveries, spiritual healing, generally speaking, is a progressive process. Every application of healing conforms to the immutable laws of nature, laws to which every single facet of life, whether incarnate or discarnate is subject.
If the condition of a physical organism has deteriorated over many years as a result of disease, then complete function cannot be restored ‘overnight’. A period of time is often needed for the healing potential to have an effect. At other times healing, before it can remedy a purely physical condition, has first to restore harmony within the individual. Although healing may sometimes need a little time to achieve its full effect there are, en-route to recovery, many unmistakable signs that the healing potential is working, step by step, towards the restoration of spiritual, mental, emotion and physical health.
Healing does not always appear to work. How do you account for the apparent failures?
We do not always know the reason why healing appears to fail, we can only speculate as to the reason. It may, for instance, be that a state of inner discord has taken such a firm hold of the individual, that this presents an effective barrier to complete recovery. Many illnesses are caused by environmental factors, or by an injudicious mode of life. Whilst spiritual healing frequently alleviates many of the effects in such cases, the cause all too often remains, and we do not see the degree of improvement for which we had hoped. Often the illness returns after spiritual healing has brought an improvement, simply because the patient himself perpetuates the CAUSE by continuing to live - albeit through no fault of his own - amidst the very conditions which originated the ailment. In other cases the patient has still to learn how to live harmoniously with himself, or with other people. If he persists in generating emotions of fear, anger, selfishness etc., then these will result in a state of discord within the individual. At other times, there is no apparent physical recovery and the patient dies. In such cases, even when terminal conditions are involved, the patient can enter a previously unknown state of physical and mental tranquility, subsequently passing from the earthly life without distress and often without the need for pain-killing drugs. In such cases we have to seriously ask ourselves whether spiritual healing has really failed? If after all, it has succeeded in bringing about peace at the end of an earthly life and enabling the transition from one state of consciousness to another to take place calmly and effortlessly, then spiritual healing has not failed.
Spiritual Healing Mediums Registered and Accredited by the Spiritualists’ National Union have undergone a two year training period of educational courses with practical assessment to assure they have attained an acceptable standard of presentation and conduct; and all SNU Registered Accredited Healing Mediums must work in accordance with the SNU Code of Conduct. All such healers carry a registration card. The Church also has the support of Registered Trainee Healing Mediums, who are always under the supervision of a Registered Accredited Healing Medium.
Depending on circumstances most healing mediums give their services free of charge, and Churches usually work on a freewill donation basis.